Cleantech-Avant Garde Innovations

In the series we will be sharing a brief about the Indian companies or startups which are developing innovative solutions. Since environment is a key area of concern, so we are sharing about Avant Garde which is is a startup in Cleantech with their office in Trivandrum, Kerala.

It claims to the 1st startup in India with 100% Renewable Energy Commitment and got selected as one of the Top 20 Cleantech Innovations in India for the ‘GLOBAL CLEANTECH INNOVATION PROGRAMME (GCIP) 2015’.

In an interview with Team Ink-Ya, Founder and CEO of Avant Garde shared that “We are bringing affordable wind energy project to India. India has huge untapped potential in renewable Energy but since majority companies which are working in this field especially in Wind Energy Sector are foreign based or have their technology from abroad and hence the costs escalate enormously.” He further added, “Avante Garde would bring this Wind technology which would not only be under Make in India scheme of the Indian Govt. but would also be priced way so that Wind Energy becomes a viable solution for both residential as well as Commercial.”

You can know more about the company at:

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