Global Cleantech Innovation Programme

The world has finally joined hands to support Cleantech Innovations.  Global Cleantech programme is a very good initiative in this front. If you are an innovator or an entrepreneur who is working in the field of Cleantech then this article is something not to be missed.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with its unique mandate to support inclusive and sustainable industrial development, has partnered with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to address the most pressing global environmental challenges of our time. Through fostering innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems, UNIDO and GEF seek to promote affordable and scalable solutions enabling the partner countries to leapfrog to cleaner, more resilient economies.

The GCIP Accelerator

The GCIP organizes an annual competition based Accelerator, which identifies the most promising innovators and entrepreneurs across a country. A selected number of startups in a GCIP country participate in a rigorous, competitive national acceleration programme that trains, mentors, promotes, and connects them to potential investors, customers and partners. As the best Cleantech companies progress, they are continuously developed and assessed.

The Accelerator consists of an Official Launch, Investor Connect, National Academy, Business Clinic, and Mock Judging. In addition, the selected startups are continuously mentored and trained and access to capital and showcasing opportunities are facilitated on a regular basis in order to enhance their business skills and to connect them to potential business partners, financiers and investors.

A tailored mentoring programme is provided through an elite group of general and specialist mentors and trainers drawn from industries, universities, and professional institutions, as well as business leaders from within the country and abroad.

Technology Solutions

The GCIP started with four technology categories namely Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Waste Beneficiation, and Water Efficiency; in 2016, the Green Building category was added to expand the scope of environmental challenges addressed. The 2017 Accelerator has expanded to include two new categories, Transportation as well as Advanced Materials and Chemicals.

GCIP also supports identification and development of demand-driven solutions that can address the most pressing environmental challenges at the national levels. Through National Innovation Challenges, innovators are invited to propose technology innovations that can address a particular problem with high-impact potential. This approach allows direct market access for the technologies, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in impact scaling.

GCIP partner countries include: Armenia, India, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey.

You can find out more about this programme at :

Stay inspired, because the Unexpected begins with U 🙂

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