This Device Can Tell You If Its A Heart Attack, In The Comfort Of Your Home

Today was a lucky day for sure but this can happen again and again. And every time you and your father would be rushing to the hospital and going through the same trauma, because you can’t take a chance.

Late at night when whole city is under deep slumber you come out of your room and see light on in your dad’s room. You enter in to see if everything is fine or not and as you enter you see your dad out of quilt in the chilling winter, sweating profusely and breathing very hard. You know that something is really wrong and knowing the fact that he is a heart patient you don’t loose a single minute and rush him to the hospital. Doctor checks it all and find out that it wasn’t a heart attack. Phew!! You take a deep breath. Today was a lucky day for sure but this can happen again and again. And every time you and your father would be rushing to the hospital and going through the same trauma, because you can’t take a chance.

But what if, someone can give you a reliable and real time data, of all the parameters related to cardiac care, within few seconds at your home itself!!! A data which can not only tell you if it’s a real heart attack or not but can also send the report to your doctor so that he can keep all the arrangements ready even before you reach the hospital. It would make lives of heart patients and their families so much better, isn’t it!

ten3T, an Indian medical hardware company co-founded by Dr. Sudhir Borgonha, Rahul Shingrani, and Prasad Bhat has created a wearable monitoring device, Cicer. It can measure ECG(electrocardiogram), heart rate, blood, oxygen and temperature, analyse it and create a report in 30 seconds.

Report being on cloud can be easily shared with the physician, the cardiologist and also with the close relative who is miles away and is deeply concerned for the patient.

The device is a self-enclosed wireless,, 9 cm wide smart patch that is very easy to use. You just need to put it under the collarbone of the patient and hold for few seconds. Being a medical grade device you need to have a prescription from a doctor and then only it can be delivered to you. The data collected by it is stored on the cloud and can be easily retrieved for future reference or even for a second opinion.

Cicer can help those patients also who have undergone a critical surgery and have come back home but still require continuous monitoring. Report being on cloud can be easily shared with the physician, the cardiologist and also with the close relative who is miles away and is deeply concerned for the patient.

Not just at personal level, Cicer can also help at community level. In rural areas where there is no facility of such tests, Cicer can monitor heartbeats and breathing, two very basic parameters which if handled in time can save lives.

Bill Gates, once said “Humanity’s greatest advances are not in its discoveries, but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity. A country where so many people die of heart attacks every year, a step in this area is definitely a very welcome step. For further information you can check the details at

Stay inspired, because the unexpected begins with U 🙂

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