Stencil Cutter To Make Handicraft Faster

Name : Shaikh Mohammad Nazim

District & State :  Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Category : Engineering

Award  :   6th National Grassroots Innovation Awards (Consolation prize), 2012

Price :   Rs. 350/- (ex-factory India price + packaging). The price does not include transportation costs, taxes, etc.

Majority of his friends are engaged in making manual designs on sarees and dresses. While visiting them frequently, he noticed that the manual punching of design on butter paper was a time consuming and labour intensive process requiring the participation of the entire family.

Conventionally, stencils are prepared by punching papers using needles, which is a very cumbersome and tedious task. Shaikh Mohammad Nazim (31), a lock and key repairer has made a stencil cutting device for hand embroidery design.

Nazim has been very creative since his childhood and has completed his studies upto class 12. Presently, he is pursuing model making training at National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

Majority of his friends are engaged in making manual designs on sarees and dresses. While visiting them frequently, he noticed that the manual punching of design on butter paper was a time consuming and labour intensive process requiring the participation of the entire family. Motivated to find a solution for this, he came up with the idea of a pen having a reciprocating needle to simplify the work.

The stencil cutter has a needle operated by a motor, whose speed can be controlled. Using the up and down motion of the needle, stencil for imprinting the desired design on the cloth can be easily made on the butter paper. This may reduce the time spent by nearly 100 times.

NIF has applied patent in the name of innovator (676/MUM/2011) and has also supported him for the commercialization of the product. The user feedback has been encouraging, they mentioned that the device not only speeds up the stencil design making process but also increases the accuracy of the holes to be punched. This cutter can particularly prove helpful for the women workers engaged in handicraft.  Apart from the stencil cutting device, Nazim has also made a solar cooker, emergency charger for mobile phones, goggles to see 2D& 3D pictures and is also working on a 3D webcam.

To know more about this product you can send an email at or can call at 08847203181.

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1 Response

  1. Afzal says:

    Such simple and ingenuity, a simple application of things at hand and voila, you have innovated something…. Kudos to Mr. Mohammad Nazim, and congratulations for the awards and accolades.

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